Adams, Joel K * Moscow * dis. of stomach & liver * 201,614 * 6.00 * ---
Adams, John W * Moscow * wd. lft. leg * 88,343 * 8.00 * ---
Albright, Jacob * Mill Creek * inj. r. hip & knee joint * 93,349 * 24.00 *
Aldrich, Wm A * Cobden * loss l. eye * 30,958 * 18.00 * ---
Anderson, Sidney S * Cobden * debil. from scurvy & prison * 158,811 * 8.00 *
Apr 1879
Baker, Isaac N * Anna * dis. lungs, ch. hepatitis * 122,941 * 4.00 * ---
Barber, Sarah A * Mount Pleasant * widow * 12,718 * 8.00 * Jan 1864
Beggs, Jno * Dongola * chr. diarr * 146,586 * 6.00 * ---
Biggs, Benj F * Cobden * synovitis l. knee * 85,722 * 5.33 1/3 * ---
Bittle, Lewis M * Cobden * dis. lungs, result. dis. heart * 209,930 * 6.00 *
May 1882
Boon, Wm T * Anna * chr. diarrhea * 211,516 * 4.00 * Jun 1882
Bradley, Wm R * Moscow * wd. lft. thigh * 149,521 * --- * ---
Brim, Osias D * Anna * loss l. leg below knee * 139,967 * 18.00 * ---
Brock, Harriet * Jonesborough * dep. mother * 179,271 * 8.00 * Dec 1877
Brooks, Jas D * Western Saratoga * sunstroke, result. nerve debil * 215,745
* 6.00 * Jul 1882
Brookshire, Jas C * Anna * aphonia * 37,676 * 12.00 * ---
Brown, David * Jonesborough * total blindness * 61,622 * 72.00 * ---
Bruff, James * Lick Creek * surv. 1812 * 11,524 * 8.00 * Jan 1872
Bryant, Chandler J * Anna * dis. of abdomen * 188,514 * 4.00 * May 1881
Burton, Geo W * Cobden * wd. l. thigh * 177,546 * 4.00 * Oct 1880
Caraker, Elijah * Jonesborough * dis. of eyes * 103,094 * 4.00 * ---
Caraker, Phebene * Western Saratoga * widow 1812 * 29,400 * 8.00 * May 1880
Carter, James R * Moscow * chr. diarr * 210,984 * --- * ---
Carter, Kinney * Anna * inj. to r. hand * 215,147 * 6.00 * Jul 1882
Casey, Simon P * Cobden * wd. r. hand * 10,877 * 6.00 * ---
Casper, Mary E * Dongola * widow * 85,083 * 8.00 * Oct 1866
Cochran, Jeremiah * Cobden * dis of eyes * 112,367 * 8.00 * ---
Corbin, Rebecca * Jonesborough * widow * 22,997 * 8.00 * ---
Corbit, James * Lick Creek * loss l. eye, result. dis. r * 62,378 * 6.00 *
Davis, Alexis M * Moscow * wd. & diarr * 101,884 * 6.00 * ---
Dew, Lorinda * Cobden * widow 1812 * 30,318 * 8.00 * Sep 1880
Dillow, Malinda * Anna * widow * 159,594 * 10.00 * Sep 1872
Dishon, Isophena * Jonesborough * dep. mother * 31,964 * 17.00 * Oct 1864
Dodd, Elizabeth M * Western Saratoga * widow * 84,168 * 8.00 * Sep 1866
Dodds, Ford S * Anna * erysip. & rheu * 134,845 * 17.00 * ---
Douglas, Geo * Cobden * loss r. eye * 20,016 * 4.00 * Nov 1863
Durall, John O * Cobden * dis. lungs & chr. diarr. * 201,816 * 6.00 * Jan
Ede, Henry * Cobden * wd. l. foot * 193,915 * 4.00 * Aug 1881
Elmore, Wm B * Cobden * wd. sacrum * 93,425 * 3.00 * ---
Elms, Geo W * Jonesborough * inj. l. leg * 171,394 * 4.00 * Jul 1880
Ferrill, Elizabeth * Cobden * widow * 18,360 * 8.00 * Feb 1879
Finch, Edgar A * Anna * ch. rheu. * 195,567 * 7.50 * Sep 1881
Glasco, Jerse * Alto Pass * wd. r. side * 148,312 * 4.00 * ---
Gourley, Mary C * Anna * widow * 22,999 * 8.00 * Sep 1869
Grammar, James * Anna * loss r. arm * 64,647 * 24.00 * ---
Gray, Nathan M * Jonesborough * scurvy, dis. of abd. vis * 85,843 * 8.00 *
Gregory, Jno C * Dongola * dis. of legs * 116,738 * 6.00 * ---
Greney, Francis J * Mount Pleasant * wd. in r. hand * 87,965 * 6.00 * ---
Haire, Dollie Ann * Anna * widow * 185,859 * 12.00 * Oct 1879
Halcom, Stephen * Anna * scorbutis & dis. of abd. vis * 88,076 * 16.00 * ---
Hancock, James J * Alto Pass * wd. l. leg * 187,828 * 4.00 * ---
Hankley, Darthula * Cobden * widow * 18,517 * 8.00 * ---
Hart, Patrick * Lick Creek * chr. bronchi., dis. lungs * 164,237 * 18.00 *
Henly, Elizabeth A * Lick Creek * widow * 123,775 * 8.00 * ---
Hunsaker, James W * Anna * bronchitis * 215,782 * 4.00 * Jul 1882
Johnson, Abijah * Cobden * wd. r. leg * 210,671 * 4.00 * Jun 1882
Jolly, Thos J * Lick Creek * wd. head * 129,057 * 2.00 * ---
Jones, Erasmus A * Moscow * dis. of lungs * 189,059 * 4.00 * ---
Keller, Jno P * Lick Creek * loss r. eye * 91,988 * 4.00 * ---
Krole, Philip H * Anna * inf. pros. gl'nd, res. dis. abd. vis. * 217,540 *
20.00 * Aug 1882
Lamdreth, Eliza * Cobden * dep. mother * 46,171 * 8.00 * May 1865
Lence, Sarah J * Western Saratoga * widow * 191,779 * 10.00 * Apr 1881
Lentz, Mary A * Dongola * widow * 68,132 * 8.00 * ---
Lesley, Margaret * Lick Creek * widow * 31,879 * 8.00 * ---
Lillow, Emeline * Dongola * widow * 12,731 * 8.00 * ---
Lingle, Caleb * Dongola * wd. r. thigh * 215,453 * 4.00 * Jul 1882
Malair, Richard * Anna * wd. r. arm * 97,362 * 8.00 * ---
Mangum, Andrew J * Anna * wd. l. arm * 117,700 * 4.00 * ---
Manns, Elizabeth E * Western Saratoga * widow * 14,384 * 8.00 * ---
Marby, Abel J * Anna * g. s. w. rt. leg * 74,596 * 4.00 * ---
McElhaney, Joseph H * Anna * rheumatism * 223,169 * 15.00 * Sep 1882
McMahon, Jas F * Cobden * wd. l. leg * 67,553 * 18.00 * ---
Miles, Wilburn * Cobden * wd. r. hip * 97,961 * 4.00 * ---
Miller, James * Cobden * inj. l. side & nose, res. malign. ulcer & dis. l.
eye * 202,390 * 18.00 * Feb 1882
Mowery, Edward * Mill Creek * wd. neck, inj. nerve r. arm * 214,964 * 6.00 *
Jun 1882
Neal, Susan * Cobden * dep. mother * 189,535 * 8.00 * Aug 1880
Newton, Isaac N * Lick Creek * wd. l. wrist * 120,493 * 6.00 * ---
O'Neal, Hezekiah * Anna * g. s. w. of l. leg * 214,894 * 4.00 * Jun 1882
Parrott, Elizabeth * Dongola * dep. mother * 78,136 * 8.00 * ---
Peel, Andrew J * Cobden * chr. diarr * 202,003 * 2.00 * Jan 1882
Pender, Miles M * Mount Pleasant * wd. in l. leg * 87,632 * 6.00 * ---
Phillips, Susan M * Anna * widow * 189,983 * 22.00 * ---
Pickrell, John * Anna * dis. lungs * 172,263 * 18.00 * Aug 1880
Plater, William W * Anna * injury to abdomen * 194,834 * 4.00 * Aug 1881
Plemon, Thomas * Anna * g. s. w. rt. hand * 109,321 * 2.00 * Mar 1871
Porterfield, Wm H * Mill Creek * chr. diarr * 178,641 * 12.00 * Nov 1880
Powless, Elizabeth * Mill Creek * widow * 73,162 * 8.00 * Sep 1867
Rashower, Rob't * Jonesborough * chr. diarr * 151,327 * 8.00 * Mar 1878
Reis, Rob't * Jonesborough * partial deafness * 155,220 * 2.00 * Sep 1878
Rentfro, Francis M * Cobden * ch. diarr. & dis. eyes * 199,958 * 6.00 * Dec
Rice, Mahala J * Dongola * widow * 88,269 * 8.00 * Dec 1866
Roberts, James M * Union Point * dis. eyes * 199,955 * 8.00 * Dec 1881
Schottinger, Michael * Anna * inj. lft. shoulder & arm * 24,907 * 18.00
* ---
Scurlock, Sina E * Dongola * widow 1812 * 82,243 * 8.00 * Feb 1882
Seay, Nancy J * Anna * dep. mother * 198,243 * 8.00 * Jun 1882
Shannon, Elizabeth * Anna * dep. mother * 188,291 * 8.00 * May 1880
Shepard, Thos J * Lick Creek * chr. diarr * 215,719 * 4.00 * Jul 1882
Silber, Jno * Jonesborough * wd. rt. leg * 201,090 * 2.00 * Jan 1882
Slack, Wm P * Anna * dis. of lungs * 196,872 * 4.00 * Oct 1881
Slaughter, Jas R * Willard's Landing * ulcers l. leg * 141,578 * 4.00 * ---
Smith, William * Anna * wd. head, dis. brain * 68,602 * 16.00 * ---
Spence, Lorenzo G * Anna * wd. r. leg * 138,034 * 2.00 * ---
Spence, Sarah A * Anna * widow * 196,506 * 14.00 * ---
Stone, Martha A * Lick Creek * widow * 24,184 * 8.00 * Sep 1867
Stricker, Sarah J * Dongola * widow * 56,708 * 8.00 * Oct 1867
Taylor, Jno H * Dongola * lameness of ankle * 89,324 * 12.00 * ---
Threat, Lucretia * Lick Creek * widow * 35,734 * 8.00 * ---
Thulin, Gilbert * Lick Creek * wd. l. arm * 10,275 * 8.00 * ---
Treese, Elizabeth * Lick Creek * widow * 106,347 * 8.00 * ---
Tripp, Cyrus M * Cobden * dis. of abdominal viscera * 178,644 * 4.00 * Nov
Tuthill, Harlan P * Anna * wd. l. foot & thigh * 156,620 * 6.00 * Nov 1878
Underwood, Susan A * Alto Pass * widow * 76,748 * 8.00 * ---
Ussery, John T * Anna * injury to abdomen * 145,085 * 4.00 * ---
Vowell, Wiley * Cobden * minor of * 171,184 * 10.00 * Nov 1875
Wall, Ann R * Western Saratoga * widow * 28,641 * 8.00 * Sep 1867
Weaver, Catharine * Jonesborough * widow * 17,974 * 8.00 * ---
Williams, Samuel * Anna * wd. l. side, dis. of lungs * 181,517 * 2.00 * Jan
Wilson, Wm S * Dongola * organic dis. heart * 91,854 * 24.00 * ---
Wing, Edwin B * Cobden * wd. left hip * 10,298 * 4.00 * ---
Woodward, James W * Mount Pleasant * wd. in forehead * 91,485 * 12.00 * ---
Contributed 04 Mar 2010 by Deb Haines
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