FRANK MARTIN, grain dealer, Jonesboro, was born in this county March 14, 1853, and is a son of Samuel Martin, a native of Alabama, and a soldier in the Mexican war under Col. Bissell. After that war, Mr. Martin was married to Matilda McElhany, a native of Jonesboro, and a daughter of Joseph and Delilah (McElyea) McElhany, who were among the older settlers of this county, and founders of the city of Jonesboro. Mrs. Martin is the mother of five children, of whom our subject is next to the oldest. This gentleman received a common school education in the schools of this county, and in early life followed various occupations, but mainly farming. He has had about two years' experience in the grain trade. On the 18th of October, 1882, he commenced buying grain for Houston & Co., but about the last of March he began buying for D. R. Francis & Ross, a St. Louis firm. Our subject was joined in matrimony on December 7, 1882, to Louisa Barnes, who was born in Jonesboro, this county, and is a daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Barnes, a widow lady living in Jonesboro. In politics, Mr. Martin is identified with the Democratic party.
Extracted 02 Apr 2017 by Norma Hass from 1883 History of Alexander, Union, and Pulaski Counties, Illinois, Part V, page 106.
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